Best Florist


Best Kentfield Florist 2022



Thank You

Thank you very much for the flower delivery that you made under Karen Rezendes yesterday. Our dear friend lost his wife and expressed gratitude of...

Best Quality Flowers

I found this florist looking for a unique arrangement for my grandmother. I simply told the woman who answered the phone, that my grandmother loved...

Many Thanks

THANK YOU SO MUCH for getting this order out so quickly on Friday! The recipient sent a text to the attorneys he knows here and he was VERY touched...

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Privacy Policy

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In order to make our website more user-friendly thru Google Analytic, we collect information on the number of visitors to our website. We do not identify you personally and we do not record information about individuals and their visit.
We will store the following information when you browse our website or when you download information:

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Your Personal Information

When you submit your personal information to us in order to place an order through our website, we will not in any way sell, disclose, publish or release this information to any third parties. This information only will be used to process your order and to communicate with you through our company.

What are my rights?

If you wish to modify your personal information data with our company or to be removed from our mailing or email list, please contact us and we will comply with your request as soon as possible.

Privacy Policy Changes

Updates on our privacy policy might be necessary in the future due to the fast paste of change in technology at which time it will be updated.


Designer Choice
Copyright © 2025 Kentfield Florist. A Subsidiary of Royal Fleur Florist