Best Florist


Best Kentfield Florist 2022



Artistic Work

I called from Southern California for flowers for a friend recuperating in Northern California. It's so hard ordering from someone whose work you...

Friendly Service

I had royal fleur send flowers to my sister who just had a baby at Marin General Hospital. It is was for a little girl and they made an amazing...

Thank You

Thank you very much for the flower delivery that you made under Karen Rezendes yesterday. Our dear friend lost his wife and expressed gratitude of...


Lilies By Royal Fleur Florist, Larkspur CA

Lily bouquets make beautiful and unique floral gifts for those special occasions! Beautiful lilies and lily bouquets will impress her on Valentine's Day or make an elegant statement for your wedding flowers. Whatever the occasion, lilies always delight and dazzle. Send a fresh lily bouquet from Royal Fleur to someone special today!


California Sun Bouquet

California Sun Bouquet

Yellow Roses  and White Lily Arrangement  in a clear vase  with ti leaves and more.


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Colors of Love Mixed Bouquet

Colors of Love Mixed Bouquet

The Colors of Love Mixed Bouquet is a joyful expression of love and affection set to send your sweetest wishes across the miles this this season! A...


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Come Rain Or Come Shine Bouquet

Come Rain Or Come Shine Bouquet

The Come Rain or Come Shine Bouquet bursts with sunlit cheer to let your special recipient know you will always be there for them. Our finest bright...

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Elegant White Lilies Bouquet

Elegant White Lilies Bouquet

a beautiful bouquet of white lilies, some still in bud form, arranged in a clear glass vase filled with water. The vase is placed on a white surface,...


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Eternal Blue Bouquet

Eternal Blue Bouquet

The Eternal Blue bouquet is a delight for the hydrangeas lover. Arranged compact in a leafed vase with 8 white roses


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Fabled Beauty Bouquet

Fabled Beauty Bouquet

The Fabled Beauty Bouquet is an enchanting bouquet of unmatched beauty and grace. A softly elegant bouquet of pink roses and white calla lilies,...

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Gratitude's Glow Spring Bouquet

Gratitude's Glow Spring Bouquet

The Gratitude's Glow Spring Bouquet blossoms with bright blushing blooms to send your special recipient a flower bouquet like none other! Rich...


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Lily Symphony Bouquet

Lily Symphony Bouquet

The Lily Symphony bouquet is a delight with its white purity. White lilies are arranged with hydrangea in a clear pedestal glass vase accented with...


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Love in Bloom Bouquet

Love in Bloom Bouquet

The Love in Bloom Bouquet by Royal Fleur is the perfect expression of sweet affection and adoration. Rich red roses, burgundy carnations,...


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Luxe Looks Bouquet

Luxe Looks Bouquet

Tap into the sunlit sophistication of this charming rose and Asiatic lily bouquet. Gorgeous roses, yellow stock, orange lilies, hypericum berries and...


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Prestigious White Arrangement

Prestigious White Arrangement

The Prestigious White arrangement is a combination of white oriental lilies and white roses arranged over green hydrangea accented with white stock....


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Pure Passion Bouquet

Pure Passion Bouquet

The Pure Passion Bouquet is rich in romance and sweet sophistication. Red roses combine with white Oriental lilies artistically accented with...


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Reach for the Sky Bouquet

Reach for the Sky Bouquet

White oriental lily are arranged tall in a wooden box with purple flowers such as iris, mum and white roses.


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Simple Elegance Bouquet

Simple Elegance Bouquet

Speak from your heart to theirs with a collection of pink vibrant blooms. Pale pink roses collaborate with the magic of Stargazer Lilies, displaying...


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Spirited Grace Lily Bouquet

Spirited Grace Lily Bouquet

The Spirited Grace Lily Bouquet offers sweet serenity with every fragrant bloom. Bright white Oriental lilies create a simple, yet sophisticated...


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Designer Choice
Copyright © 2025 Kentfield Florist. A Subsidiary of Royal Fleur Florist