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Best Kentfield Florist 2022



My favorite arrangement ever!

My daughter ordered an arrangement for me for Mothers Day. I was overwhelmed by its beauty. I love pink and clearly she had requested mostly pink...

Many Thanks

THANK YOU SO MUCH for getting this order out so quickly on Friday! The recipient sent a text to the attorneys he knows here and he was VERY touched...

Friendly Service

I had royal fleur send flowers to my sister who just had a baby at Marin General Hospital. It is was for a little girl and they made an amazing...

All Flowers

All Flowers By Royal Fleur Florist, Larkspur CA

24 Red Roses - 2 Dozen Red Roses Bouquet

24 Red Roses - 2 Dozen Red Roses Bouquet

Nothing speaks of love so much as a bouquet of beautiful red roses. Arranged with seeded eucalyptus in a classic glass vase, this bouquet is a gift...


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A Christmas Spirit centerpiece in a Wood Box

A Christmas Spirit centerpiece in a Wood Box

Christmas Spirit Centerpiece in a Wood Box  single succulent is surrounded by assorted Christmas green, berries, red roses, surrounding...


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A Modern Grace Altar Arrangement

A Modern Grace Altar Arrangement

White Asiatic lilies and green hydrangea are arranged in a clear glass trumpet vase with curly willow, making a sophisticated altar arrangement.


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A Touch of Sun Bouquet

A Touch of Sun Bouquet

The Touch of Sun Bouquet blooms with cheerful beauty to send your special recipient a flower bouquet exuding warm wishes at every turn!


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Above Belvedere Sunset Bouquet

Above Belvedere Sunset Bouquet

Container may vary due to availability.

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Above Larkspur Sunset Bouquet

Above Larkspur Sunset Bouquet

Orange roses and succulent are brought together over baby green hydrangea in a clear glass vase. ( Container and color may vary due to...


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Adorable Bouquet

Adorable Bouquet

Adorable bouquet is artistically crafted with yellow and red roses with curly willow and exotic green. Container may vary due to availability.


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Autumn Basket

Autumn Basket

Autumn Basket is the perfect Fall decoration. Sunflowers, Asiatic Lily combine with roses and fall accents to create this stunning basket arrangement.


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Autumn Embrace Centerpiece

Autumn Embrace Centerpiece

Fall Flowers Centerpiece in a woodbox. (flower color and variety may  vary due to availability)


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Autumn Garden

Autumn Garden

Enjoy the serenity of the season with a fresh fall centerpiece that is as beautiful as it is soothing. This lush arrangement enchants in shades of...


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Be My Valentine Bouquet

Be My Valentine Bouquet

Red roses and Stargazer Lily are arranged over white hydrangea to create this lovely display of affection.12 roses, hydrangeas, and lilies. ...


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Birthday Cheer Bouquet

Birthday Cheer Bouquet

Birthday blooms that are ready to get your recipient's special day started, this flower bouquet is bright, happy, and ready to celebrate! Hot...


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Blushing Beauty Bouquet

Blushing Beauty Bouquet

The Blushing Beauty Bouquet is a simply stunning bouquet of floral elegance and grace. Coral roses are set to capture their attention arranged...

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Bound Together Bouquet

Bound Together Bouquet

Yellow lily, red roses, alstroemeria and gerbera daisy are arranged tightly with green hydrangea in a clear glass vase. Container may vary due to...


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Bountiful Rose Basket

Bountiful Rose Basket

The everlasting beauty of a traditional English garden is evoked with this bountiful basket of radiant white and crème roses. Fresh and...


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Designer Choice
Copyright © 2024 Kentfield Florist. A Subsidiary of Royal Fleur Florist