Best Florist


Best Kentfield Florist 2022



Thank you

Dear Fabienne, Thank you so much! They loved it, and I hear it was a beautiful arrangement. Many thanks, Serena

Thank You

Thank you very much for the flower delivery that you made under Karen Rezendes yesterday. Our dear friend lost his wife and expressed gratitude of...

Perfect Wedding Flowers

Fabienne and Nicolas did an amazing job on our wedding. The flowers were absolutely perfect. They were better than I even imagined and I was thrilled...

Luxury Collection

Applause Luxury Rose Bouquet

Applause Luxury Rose Bouquet

They are the star of your life, a force of love that is simply endless. Shower them with your praise and gratitude symbolized through our exquisite...


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Blushing Sentiments Orchid Bouquet

Blushing Sentiments Orchid Bouquet

Send sweet wishes blooming in a profusion of brilliant pink and purple blooms. Gorgeous fuchsia Mokara Orchids are brought together with bright...

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Color Intensity Bouquet

Color Intensity Bouquet

Set to get you noticed, our Color Intensity Luxury Bouquet has a sophisticated edge to it, as it takes on that wildly popular ombre style in a new...


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Connection Luxury Rose and Cymbidium Bouquet

Connection Luxury Rose and Cymbidium Bouquet

Create a connection of the heart with this extraordinary bouquet of exquisite beauty. A brilliant bouquet of 20-inch fuchsia roses sits side-by-side...


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Delighted Luxury Rose Bouquet

Delighted Luxury Rose Bouquet

They've guided you through every pivotal moment in your life. Your only wish is to create as much pleasure as they have continually done...


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Duet Luxury Rose Bouquet

Duet Luxury Rose Bouquet

Create harmony and peace in honour of the bond you share. This unique and fashionable bouquet bursts with our finest blooms. Brilliant violet Mokara...


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Enticing Luxury Bouquet

Enticing Luxury Bouquet

Entice them with tropical blooms opening in hues of paradise perfection. Birds of Paradise show off their colors to create a unique bouquet that will...


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Fate Luxury Rose Bouquet - 48 Roses

Fate Luxury Rose Bouquet - 48 Roses

Fate brought you together for this one incredible moment. Celebrate your love and heartfelt emotion with a display of the most amazing roses. A...


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Flawless Luxury Calla Lily Bouquet

Flawless Luxury Calla Lily Bouquet

Perfect and extraordinary at every turn, this bouquet of amazing calla lilies is an elegant sight to behold. This beloved bloom, known for its fluted...


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Glistening Grace Luxury Mini Cymbidium Orchid Bouquet

Glistening Grace Luxury Mini Cymbidium Orchid Bouquet

Sparkling sophistication set to impress at every turn, this bouquet of mini cymbidium orchids in an array of blushing hues offers your special...

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Heartfelt Luxury Rose Bouquet

Heartfelt Luxury Rose Bouquet

They unlock your every emotion. They will always make your heart skip a beat. Offer your heartfelt love with an abundance of our finest 24"...


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Hope Heals Luxury Bouquet

Hope Heals Luxury Bouquet

Send your hope and healing thoughts to your loved one. Container may vary due to availability.


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Hot Pink Fireworks Bouquet

Hot Pink Fireworks Bouquet

Deliver the Fireworks! Bouquets of  hot pink roses explode like fireworks from fresh tropical foliages, hot pink rocks and design accents


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Illuminate Bouquet

Illuminate Bouquet

This floral arrangement has an artistic flair that is recognized for its modern elegance with a single glance bringing together a curated selection...


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Indulgent Luxury Rose Bouquet

Indulgent Luxury Rose Bouquet

Let your heart speak through a dazzling display of blooming beauty. 48 Stems of our finest long-stem roses in blushing shades of pink and red are...


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Designer Choice
Copyright © 2025 Kentfield Florist. A Subsidiary of Royal Fleur Florist