Best Florist


Best Kentfield Florist 2022





Just wanted to let you know how much I appreciated the flowers for my party. They were incredible and I loved them. We received SO many compliments....

Friendly Service

I had royal fleur send flowers to my sister who just had a baby at Marin General Hospital. It is was for a little girl and they made an amazing...

Perfect Wedding Flowers

Fabienne and Nicolas did an amazing job on our wedding. The flowers were absolutely perfect. They were better than I even imagined and I was thrilled...

New Baby

Something pink for a new baby girl or something blue for a new baby boy; that has always been the standard when sending baby gifts, but nothing is standard about our selection of quality gifts and fresh  flowers for brand new parents! Say "Congratulations" in a big way by sending a new baby gift  basket or a flower bouquet.

A Mixed Tulip Rainbow Bouquet - 40 Tulips

A Mixed Tulip Rainbow Bouquet - 40 Tulips

40 Tulips assorted arranged in a clear glass vase.


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Boy-Oh-Boy Bouquet

Boy-Oh-Boy Bouquet

The Boy-Oh-Boy Bouquet employs roses and Asiatic lilies to send your bright and sunny congratulations on the birth of their new baby boy! Yellow...


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Cheerful Wishes Blooming Basket

Cheerful Wishes Blooming Basket

Spread sunshine and beauty with a basket of vibrant lush plants blooming to perfection. Gorgeously arriving in a natural woven basket are a...


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Cloud in the Sky Bouquet

Cloud in the Sky Bouquet

A trendy arrangement for all occasions. Blue,/white/green hydrangeas   including 6 white roses


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Come Rain Or Come Shine Bouquet

Come Rain Or Come Shine Bouquet

The Come Rain or Come Shine Bouquet bursts with sunlit cheer to let your special recipient know you will always be there for them. Our finest bright...

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Designer's Choice Bouquet

Designer's Choice Bouquet

Can't decide on which bouquet to send? Let us design something special for your special occasion. Using the season's best flowers available,...


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Double Stems White Phalaenopsis Orchid Umbrella in Wood Box

Double Stems White Phalaenopsis Orchid Umbrella in Wood Box

Double Stems White Phalaenopsis Orchid Umbrella in a wood box.


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Eternal Blue Bouquet

Eternal Blue Bouquet

The Eternal Blue bouquet is a delight for the hydrangeas lover. Arranged compact in a leafed vase with 8 white roses


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Gentle Confort Basket

Gentle Confort Basket

This basket with its Roses, Iris, Delphinium, Heather and Asters has a warm, gentle touch.


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Girl Power Bouquet

Girl Power Bouquet

The Girl Power Bouquet brings together roses and Asiatic lilies to send your sweetest sentiments and offer your congratulations on the birth of their...


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Girls are Great! Bouquet

Girls are Great! Bouquet

Celebrate the arrival of the new baby girl with this handled whitewash basket of pink Gerbera daisies, green pompons, yellow daisy pompons and pink...


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Happy Days Bouquet

Happy Days Bouquet

Celebrate life happy days with this colourful arrangement! Pink roses with blue and green hydrangeas in a Clear Glass cube 4" cube.


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Hope Bouquet

Hope Bouquet

The Hope Bouquet comes in a leaf lined glass cube with hydrangea, dusty miller, soft pink roses, and succulents. Arrangement is designed to be viewed...


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Designer Choice
Copyright © 2025 Kentfield Florist. A Subsidiary of Royal Fleur Florist