Holiday Flowers

Best Florist


Best Kentfield Florist 2022



Many Thanks

THANK YOU SO MUCH for getting this order out so quickly on Friday! The recipient sent a text to the attorneys he knows here and he was VERY touched...



Just wanted to let you know how much I appreciated the flowers for my party. They were incredible and I loved them. We received SO many compliments....

Thank You

Thank you very much for the flower delivery that you made under Karen Rezendes yesterday. Our dear friend lost his wife and expressed gratitude of...

Corporate Gift

Bright Spark Rose Bouquet

Bright Spark Rose Bouquet

This spirited bouquet holds roses in bold hues - hot pink, orange, red and bright yellow. Certain to be an attention-getter! These vivacious roses...


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Cheerful Wishes Blooming Basket

Cheerful Wishes Blooming Basket

Spread sunshine and beauty with a basket of vibrant lush plants blooming to perfection. Gorgeously arriving in a natural woven basket are a...


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Color Intensity Bouquet

Color Intensity Bouquet

Set to get you noticed, our Color Intensity Luxury Bouquet has a sophisticated edge to it, as it takes on that wildly popular ombre style in a new...


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Country Feeling Bouquet

Country Feeling Bouquet

Pink roses and hydrangea come together in a wood lined container to create this country style bouquet.


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Double Stems White Phalaenopsis Orchid Umbrella in Wood Box

Double Stems White Phalaenopsis Orchid Umbrella in Wood Box

Double Stems White Phalaenopsis Orchid Umbrella in a wood box.


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Eternal Blue Bouquet

Eternal Blue Bouquet

The Eternal Blue bouquet is a delight for the hydrangeas lover. Arranged compact in a leafed vase with 8 white roses


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Golden Friendship Bouquet

Golden Friendship Bouquet

Dozen of yellow roses arranged in clear glass cube vase with assorted greens accented with a black and gold ribbon.


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Joyful Luxury Rose Bouquet - 36 Roses

Joyful Luxury Rose Bouquet - 36 Roses

Gather your warmest thoughts of heartfelt happiness through this magnificent bouquet of exquisite roses. Bright yellow, brilliant red and velvety...


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Lily Symphony Bouquet

Lily Symphony Bouquet

The Lily Symphony bouquet is a delight with its white purity. White lilies are arranged with hydrangea in a clear pedestal glass vase accented with...


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Spread The Sunshine Bouquet

Spread The Sunshine Bouquet

The Spread the Sunshine Bouquet bursts with warm wishes and hopes for happiness! Yellow roses share the spotlight with white calla lilies and...


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The Tall Fresh Green Bouquet

The Tall Fresh Green Bouquet

Custom created to your order. Seasonal White Arrangement. Contains; Hydrangea, Lilies,  Roses,  with greens


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Watch Over Me Orchid Planter

Watch Over Me Orchid Planter

A White phalaenopsis orchid is bend over a mini orchid to create this amazing display surrounded by curly willow and one tree fern plant. Container...

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White Paradise Bouquet

White Paradise Bouquet

Make a statement with this arrangement of  White oriental lily and 3 stems of Phalaenopsis Orchid.


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Defining Memories Bouquet

Defining Memories Bouquet

Please allow 5 business days prior delivery 


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Designer Choice
Copyright © 2024 Kentfield Florist. A Subsidiary of Royal Fleur Florist