Holiday Flowers

Best Florist


Best Kentfield Florist 2022



Artistic Work

I called from Southern California for flowers for a friend recuperating in Northern California. It's so hard ordering from someone whose work you...

Many Thanks

THANK YOU SO MUCH for getting this order out so quickly on Friday! The recipient sent a text to the attorneys he knows here and he was VERY touched...

Best Quality Flowers

I found this florist looking for a unique arrangement for my grandmother. I simply told the woman who answered the phone, that my grandmother loved...

I am sorry

I'm Sorry flowers from Royal Fleur can speak louder than words. No matter the offense, flowers are a great first step toward forgiveness. You can choose from gerbera daisies, lilies and many other great apology flowers. When you need to right a wrong, gifts from Royal Fleur help you open the lines of communication with grace.
12 Red Roses - One Dozen Red Roses Bouquet

12 Red Roses - One Dozen Red Roses Bouquet

Nothing speaks of love so much as a bouquet of beautiful red roses. Arranged with seeded eucalyptus in a classic glass vase, this bouquet is a gift...


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24 Red Roses - 2 Dozen Red Roses Bouquet

24 Red Roses - 2 Dozen Red Roses Bouquet

Nothing speaks of love so much as a bouquet of beautiful red roses. Arranged with seeded eucalyptus in a classic glass vase, this bouquet is a gift...


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Above Larkspur Sunset Bouquet

Above Larkspur Sunset Bouquet

Orange roses and succulent are brought together over baby green hydrangea in a clear glass vase. ( Container and color may vary due to...


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Above Sunset Orchid Planter

Above Sunset Orchid Planter

Sunset colored orchids are displayed in an elegant container with ivy and moss. Container may vary due to availability


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Bountiful Rose Basket

Bountiful Rose Basket

The everlasting beauty of a traditional English garden is evoked with this bountiful basket of radiant white and crème roses. Fresh and...


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Braided Money Tree

Braided Money Tree

  The Money Tree will send wishes for good fortune and positive outcomes to your special recipient. This lush tree has been growing with a...


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California Sun Bouquet

California Sun Bouquet

Yellow Roses  and White Lily Arrangement  in a clear vase  with ti leaves and more.


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Citrus Elegance Bouquet

Citrus Elegance Bouquet

Yellow roses and green hydrangea arranged low in a clear glass vase with seasonal greens.


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Cloud in the Sky Bouquet

Cloud in the Sky Bouquet

A trendy arrangement for all occasions. Blue,/white/green hydrangeas   including 6 white roses


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Color Intensity Bouquet

Color Intensity Bouquet

Set to get you noticed, our Color Intensity Luxury Bouquet has a sophisticated edge to it, as it takes on that wildly popular ombre style in a new...


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Country Feeling Bouquet

Country Feeling Bouquet

Pink roses and hydrangea come together in a wood lined container to create this country style bouquet.


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Designer's Choice Bouquet

Designer's Choice Bouquet

Can't decide on which bouquet to send? Let us design something special for your special occasion. Using the season's best flowers available,...


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Double Stems White Phalaenopsis Orchid Umbrella in Wood Box

Double Stems White Phalaenopsis Orchid Umbrella in Wood Box

Double Stems White Phalaenopsis Orchid Umbrella in a wood box.


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Elegant White Lilies Bouquet

Elegant White Lilies Bouquet

a beautiful bouquet of white lilies, some still in bud form, arranged in a clear glass vase filled with water. The vase is placed on a white surface,...


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Eternal Blue Bouquet

Eternal Blue Bouquet

The Eternal Blue bouquet is a delight for the hydrangeas lover. Arranged compact in a leafed vase with 8 white roses


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Designer Choice
Copyright © 2024 Kentfield Florist. A Subsidiary of Royal Fleur Florist