Best Florist


Best Kentfield Florist 2022



Parent's Anniversary

Thank you very much, Royal Fleur. You did an absolutely unique arrangement for my parents anniversary. My mom said it was the most beautiful flowers...

Thank you

Dear Fabienne, Thank you so much! They loved it, and I hear it was a beautiful arrangement. Many thanks, Serena

Best Quality Flowers

I found this florist looking for a unique arrangement for my grandmother. I simply told the woman who answered the phone, that my grandmother loved...


Braided Money Tree

Braided Money Tree

  The Money Tree will send wishes for good fortune and positive outcomes to your special recipient. This lush tree has been growing with a...


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California Sun Bouquet

California Sun Bouquet

Yellow Roses  and White Lily Arrangement  in a clear vase  with ti leaves and more.


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Cheerful Wishes Blooming Basket

Cheerful Wishes Blooming Basket

Spread sunshine and beauty with a basket of vibrant lush plants blooming to perfection. Gorgeously arriving in a natural woven basket are a...


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Color Intensity Bouquet

Color Intensity Bouquet

Set to get you noticed, our Color Intensity Luxury Bouquet has a sophisticated edge to it, as it takes on that wildly popular ombre style in a new...


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Designer's Choice Bouquet

Designer's Choice Bouquet

Can't decide on which bouquet to send? Let us design something special for your special occasion. Using the season's best flowers available,...


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Eternal Blue Bouquet

Eternal Blue Bouquet

The Eternal Blue bouquet is a delight for the hydrangeas lover. Arranged compact in a leafed vase with 8 white roses


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French Garden

French Garden

A mix of green and blooming plants in a basket makes a nice presentation and a long lasting gift.


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Golden Friendship Bouquet

Golden Friendship Bouquet

Dozen of yellow roses arranged in clear glass cube vase with assorted greens accented with a black and gold ribbon.


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Illuminate Bouquet

Illuminate Bouquet

This floral arrangement has an artistic flair that is recognized for its modern elegance with a single glance bringing together a curated selection...


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Passion For Happiness Rose Bouquet

Passion For Happiness Rose Bouquet

This bouquet of Kerio variety roses, known for their sunlit yellow petals, is accented with a variety of lush greens to shower your recipient with...


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Prestigious White Arrangement

Prestigious White Arrangement

The Prestigious White arrangement is a combination of white oriental lilies and white roses arranged over green hydrangea accented with white stock....


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Reach for the Sky Bouquet

Reach for the Sky Bouquet

White oriental lily are arranged tall in a wooden box with purple flowers such as iris, mum and white roses.


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Rose Garden Basket

Rose Garden Basket

Offer a basket of blooming warmth and endless cheer to your special recpient. Vibrant pink, yellow and white mini rose plants arrive in a natural...

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Simple Elegance Bouquet

Simple Elegance Bouquet

Speak from your heart to theirs with a collection of pink vibrant blooms. Pale pink roses collaborate with the magic of Stargazer Lilies, displaying...


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Simple Sophistication Bouquet

Simple Sophistication Bouquet

Artfully designed and thoughtfully arranged, this bright and brilliant floral creation highlights the beauty of hot pink, yellow and orange roses as...

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Designer Choice
Copyright © 2025 Kentfield Florist. A Subsidiary of Royal Fleur Florist