Holiday Flowers

Best Florist


Best Kentfield Florist 2022



Thank you

Dear Fabienne, Thank you so much! They loved it, and I hear it was a beautiful arrangement. Many thanks, Serena

My favorite arrangement ever!

My daughter ordered an arrangement for me for Mothers Day. I was overwhelmed by its beauty. I love pink and clearly she had requested mostly pink...

Flowers from Last Night at Left Bank

Flowers from Last Night at Left Bank

They were over the top beautiful!! My friend was absolutely thrilled and she and her grown children took them all home to enjoy. Thank you so very...

Spring Collection

Spring Flowers with Same Day Delivery by Royal Fleur Florist.

Celebrate the season of rebirth or brighten up the late-winter gloom with the gift of spring flowers. Our fresh flowers, plants and gifts bring sunshine to any home or office. Whether it's a special occasion, a get-well wish or a birthday suprise, our fresh spring flowers, plants and gifts will bring a smile to anyone's face

Above Larkspur Sunset Bouquet

Above Larkspur Sunset Bouquet

Orange roses and succulent are brought together over baby green hydrangea in a clear glass vase. ( Container and color may vary due to...


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Above Sunset Orchid Planter

Above Sunset Orchid Planter

Sunset colored orchids are displayed in an elegant container with ivy and moss. Container may vary due to availability


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Beauty And Grace Bouquet

Beauty And Grace Bouquet

Royal Fleur proudly presents the Beauty and Grace Bouquet. Displaying a refreshing sense of color and sunlit sophistication, this bouquet of...

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Bright Spark Rose Bouquet

Bright Spark Rose Bouquet

This spirited bouquet holds roses in bold hues - hot pink, orange, red and bright yellow. Certain to be an attention-getter! These vivacious roses...


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California Sun Bouquet

California Sun Bouquet

Yellow Roses  and White Lily Arrangement  in a clear vase  with ti leaves and more.


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Calla Lily Cube Bouquet

Calla Lily Cube Bouquet

Eight stems of mini calla lilies in a short cube vase - a premium yet compact floral arrangement.Colors may vary. Please call for today's...


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Citrus Elegance Bouquet

Citrus Elegance Bouquet

Yellow roses and green hydrangea arranged low in a clear glass vase with seasonal greens.


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Citrus Splash Bouquet

Citrus Splash Bouquet

Orange coral roses and verdant green dianthus and / or Green Hydrangeas fill this arrangement with beauty and light. This arrangement is perfect for...


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Cloud in the Sky Bouquet

Cloud in the Sky Bouquet

A trendy arrangement for all occasions. Blue,/white/green hydrangeas   including 6 white roses


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Colorburst of Spring Bouquet

Colorburst of Spring Bouquet

We think the name says it all! Our expert florists artfully arrange petite bundles of pastel roses, tulips, lilies and a mini hydrangea inside a...


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Custom Spring Arrangement Of Fresh Flowers

Custom Spring Arrangement Of Fresh Flowers

Can't decide on which bouquet to send? Let us design something special for your special occasion. Using the season's best flowers available,...


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Delightful Succulent Bouquet

Delightful Succulent Bouquet

Yellow  roses and succulent are brought together over baby green hydrangea in a clear glass vase


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Fabled Beauty Bouquet

Fabled Beauty Bouquet

The Fabled Beauty Bouquet is an enchanting bouquet of unmatched beauty and grace. A softly elegant bouquet of pink roses and white calla lilies,...

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Floral Orchid Garden Planter

Floral Orchid Garden Planter

White Phalaenopsis Orchid and mini rose plant are nicely arranged and bound together to form this amzing display.


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Golden Friendship Bouquet

Golden Friendship Bouquet

Dozen of yellow roses arranged in clear glass cube vase with assorted greens accented with a black and gold ribbon.


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Designer Choice
Copyright © 2024 Kentfield Florist. A Subsidiary of Royal Fleur Florist