Holiday Flowers

Best Florist


Best Kentfield Florist 2022



Friendly Service

I had royal fleur send flowers to my sister who just had a baby at Marin General Hospital. It is was for a little girl and they made an amazing...



Just wanted to let you know how much I appreciated the flowers for my party. They were incredible and I loved them. We received SO many compliments....

Flowers from Last Night at Left Bank

Flowers from Last Night at Left Bank

They were over the top beautiful!! My friend was absolutely thrilled and she and her grown children took them all home to enjoy. Thank you so very...


Anniversary Flowers

Royal Fleur makes selecting the perfect anniversary flowers and gifts easy! You'll find the ideal anniversary gift for your wife, friends or relatives at Nothing says love like a bouquet of red roses or a floral  arrangement of her favorite flowers that will bring a smile to her face. Mark this special occasion with beautiful flowers and anniversary keepsakes from Royal Fleur Florist!

12 Red Roses - One Dozen Red Roses Bouquet

12 Red Roses - One Dozen Red Roses Bouquet

Nothing speaks of love so much as a bouquet of beautiful red roses. Arranged with seeded eucalyptus in a classic glass vase, this bouquet is a gift...


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24 Red Roses - 2 Dozen Red Roses Bouquet

24 Red Roses - 2 Dozen Red Roses Bouquet

Nothing speaks of love so much as a bouquet of beautiful red roses. Arranged with seeded eucalyptus in a classic glass vase, this bouquet is a gift...


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Above Sunset Orchid Planter

Above Sunset Orchid Planter

Sunset colored orchids are displayed in an elegant container with ivy and moss. Container may vary due to availability


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Abundant Rose Bouquet 24 Red Roses

Abundant Rose Bouquet 24 Red Roses

Blooming with a classic allure that has spoken to us throughout the ages, this red rose bouquet offers a modern twist on the familiar to give your...


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Adorable Bouquet

Adorable Bouquet

Adorable bouquet is artistically crafted with yellow and red roses with curly willow and exotic green. Container may vary due to availability.


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Be My Valentine Bouquet

Be My Valentine Bouquet

Red roses and Stargazer Lily are arranged over white hydrangea to create this lovely display of affection.12 roses, hydrangeas, and lilies. ...


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Beach Party Bouquet

Beach Party Bouquet

It's Summertime which means it's time to hit the beach! We've captured all of the excitement in this beautiful arrangement. Cylinder vase...

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Bound Together Bouquet

Bound Together Bouquet

Yellow lily, red roses, alstroemeria and gerbera daisy are arranged tightly with green hydrangea in a clear glass vase. Container may vary due to...


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Box of Sunshine Bouquet

Box of Sunshine Bouquet

Sunny yellow roses go Zen! This modern rose arrangement features joyful yellow roses and unique green hydrangea in a beautiful bamboo cube vase....


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California Sun Bouquet

California Sun Bouquet

Yellow Roses  and White Lily Arrangement  in a clear vase  with ti leaves and more.


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Captivating Love Bouquet

Captivating Love Bouquet

24 Red Roses arranged with greens over a bed of white hydrangeas in a clear glass vase. Orientation: All-Around Container may vary due to...


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Cloud in the Sky Bouquet

Cloud in the Sky Bouquet

A trendy arrangement for all occasions. Blue,/white/green hydrangeas   including 6 white roses


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Color Intensity Bouquet

Color Intensity Bouquet

Set to get you noticed, our Color Intensity Luxury Bouquet has a sophisticated edge to it, as it takes on that wildly popular ombre style in a new...


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Cupid Desire Bouquet

Cupid Desire Bouquet

White hydrangea, tulips and 6 red roses are arranged low and compact with greens and orchid blooms. ( Orchid blooms may vary due to availability )


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Deluxe Mini Calla Cube

Deluxe Mini Calla Cube

Assorted color mini calla lilies arranged in a cube vase with fancy greens. What an excellent value!  


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Designer Choice
Copyright © 2024 Kentfield Florist. A Subsidiary of Royal Fleur Florist