Best Florist


Best Kentfield Florist 2022



Many Thanks

THANK YOU SO MUCH for getting this order out so quickly on Friday! The recipient sent a text to the attorneys he knows here and he was VERY touched...

Best Quality Flowers

I found this florist looking for a unique arrangement for my grandmother. I simply told the woman who answered the phone, that my grandmother loved...

Artistic Work

I called from Southern California for flowers for a friend recuperating in Northern California. It's so hard ordering from someone whose work you...

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day Flowers with Same Day Delivery by a Local Florist.

Make her heart sing with beautiful Valentine's flowers from Royal Fleur Florist. Browse our extensive collection of flowers to find the perfect arrangement for the love of your life. Does she love roses, daisies, or other popular flowers? No matter what she prefers, she'll be delighted with a fresh bouquet from Royal Fleur Florist.

12 Red Roses - One Dozen Red Roses Bouquet

12 Red Roses - One Dozen Red Roses Bouquet

Nothing speaks of love so much as a bouquet of beautiful red roses. Arranged with seeded eucalyptus in a classic glass vase, this bouquet is a gift...


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24 Red Roses - 2 Dozen Red Roses Bouquet

24 Red Roses - 2 Dozen Red Roses Bouquet

Nothing speaks of love so much as a bouquet of beautiful red roses. Arranged with seeded eucalyptus in a classic glass vase, this bouquet is a gift...


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36 Red Roses- 3 Dozen Red Roses Bouquet -

36 Red Roses- 3 Dozen Red Roses Bouquet -

Nothing speaks of love so much as a bouquet of 36 beautiful red roses. Arranged with seeded eucalyptus in a classic glass vase, this bouquet is a...


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A Frenzy Tulip Bouquet - 80 Tulips

A Frenzy Tulip Bouquet - 80 Tulips

80 Tulip assorted are arranged above baby green hydrangea in a clear glass vase. The bouquet is accented with purple Phalaenopsis blooms.  


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A Mixed Tulip Rainbow Bouquet - 40 Tulips

A Mixed Tulip Rainbow Bouquet - 40 Tulips

40 Tulips assorted arranged in a clear glass vase.


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Absolute Tulip Bouquet- 50 Tulips

Absolute Tulip Bouquet- 50 Tulips

50 Tulip assorted are arranged tight above green hydrangea or trix dianthus. The bouquet is accented with a purple Phalaenopsis bloom.


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Abundant Rose Bouquet 24 Red Roses

Abundant Rose Bouquet 24 Red Roses

Blooming with a classic allure that has spoken to us throughout the ages, this red rose bouquet offers a modern twist on the familiar to give your...


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All About Her Bouquet

All About Her Bouquet

Make her feel special with this stunning arrangement! Roses, White Oriental lily, Tulip, Orchids and much more are arranged in a clear glass vase.


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Be My Valentine Bouquet

Be My Valentine Bouquet

Red roses and Stargazer Lily are arranged over white hydrangea to create this lovely display of affection.12 roses, hydrangeas, and lilies. ...


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Beautiful Phalaenopsis Orchids Trio Planter

Beautiful Phalaenopsis Orchids Trio Planter

Three White Phalaenopsis Orchids are arranged in a planter with moss. Container may vary due to availability


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Captivating Love Bouquet 36 roses

Captivating Love Bouquet 36 roses

36 Red Roses arranged with greens over a bed of white hydrangeas in a clear glass vase. Orientation: All-Around Container may vary due to...


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Cupid Desire Bouquet

Cupid Desire Bouquet

White hydrangea, tulips and 6 red roses, tulips are arranged low and compact with greens and orchid blooms. ( Orchid blooms may vary due to...


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Custom Arrangement Of Fresh Flowers

Custom Arrangement Of Fresh Flowers

Can't decide on which bouquet to send? Let us design something special for your special Valentine Day's  occasion. Using the...


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Double Stems White Phalaenopsis Orchid Umbrella in Wood Box

Double Stems White Phalaenopsis Orchid Umbrella in Wood Box

Double Stems White Phalaenopsis Orchid Umbrella in a wood box.


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Fate Luxury Rose Bouquet - 48 Roses

Fate Luxury Rose Bouquet - 48 Roses

Fate brought you together for this one incredible moment. Celebrate your love and heartfelt emotion with a display of the most amazing roses. A...


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Designer Choice
Copyright © 2025 Kentfield Florist. A Subsidiary of Royal Fleur Florist